Can You Embrace Creative Destruction?

In the 1950s, Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter coined the term Creative Destruction: a process of industrial mutation that continuously revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one Creative destruction is the lifeblood of capitalism. Embracing creative destruction is a survival skill for entrepreneurs. Companies literally die when […]

The Power of Mindfulness

Do you believe that you have the power to attract success by changing your mindset? Are you creating every day and reaching your fullest potential? Published in 1910, some of the tenets of The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles are still relevant today. While the descriptions of wealth and opportunity are controversial, […]

The Online Coaching Industry Boom

The pandemic caused a shift of our lives online to comply with social distancing guidelines. This shift affected every industry for better or for worse, including the coaching industry. In his article titled The Flourishing, Surprising, Badly Needed Market For Online Coaching, Josh Bersin explains how the online coaching industry exploded due to multiple side […]

How Gen Z Is Redefining Work-Life Balance

Human beings have been drawn toward the idea of harmony since the beginning of recorded history. We sought consonance in the disjointment of Picasso’s work, trained our ears to recognize which of a dozen pitches would blend together like fine cream; we lent order to chaos by naming the stars above us in the black […]

Why Finding Yourself Has Replaced the Corporate Ladder

A recent article, “Career Coaching Today: Forget the Corporate Ladder and Find Yourself” by New York Times reporter Lauren Mechling explores how the pandemic affected the mindset of both coaches and their clients. The pandemic fundamentally changed people’s relationship to work. It’s these professional identity crises, and the increased awareness going into the pandemic of […]

How Can Coaching Help You?

An article released by the Harvard Business Review posed an important question in the title: What can coaches do for you? As authors Diane Coutu and Carol Kauffman point out in their research, the coaching industry’s rapid evolution over the past ten years created so many misconceptions and blurred lines, that even most interested clients […]

The Great Resignation: America’s Labor Shortage

The phenomenon being referred to as “The Great Resignation” continues to be a trend in the US labor market as a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs. While the movement lost steam in October, according to a report released on December 8 by the US Bureau of Labor, the number of quitters is […]

Learning Resilience: Are You a Hero or a Victim?

Let’s start with a tautology we’ve all heard before: life is full of ups and downs. Every child starts to understand this from the earliest age; this understanding helps them develop the social-emotional skills they use to relate to the people they interact with and everyday life. You learned this and your resilience through this […]

An English Degree is the Best Foundation for a Career

There are many misconceptions that come with being an English major. No – we don’t live in the library amongst stacks of old books, feeding off Shakespeare. No – we have not read all the “classics.” No – we do not always use perfect grammar and spelling, and we definitely do not know the definition […]

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