Finding the Best Business Coach For You

Finding the Best Business Coach For You

Picture this: you have the desire to grow professionally. Someone suggests hiring a business coach and explains the benefits this unique relationship can have on one’s professional life like helping find the right career for you. After doing more research, you even learn how to make the most of coaching. Only one step remains – finding the best coach for you.

Clate Mask gives a step by step tutorial on how to do just that in his Wall Street Journal article, How to Find the Right Business Coach. First, clarify your own goals. This clarity will lead to a more intentional search for a coach that is best suited for you as an individual. The next step is to begin your search not through Google, but rather through your network, or better still through the ideamix platform connecting clients to coaches. Beginning the coaching process in a place you trust, like at ideamix or your own network, is more likely to produce a coach you can place your trust in and find a personality fit with. 

When searching, consider the industry experience of the coach. Industry specific knowledge is not always necessary for a successful coaching relationship, but the coach should always be able to understand your struggles so that they are able to help you through them. This understanding is why looking for a coach you have chemistry with is also an important factor to consider. A natural connection often translates to a greater level of trust. Mask emphasizes though that despite this trust – a critical factor for a coaching relationship to be successful – a coach is different from a friend or close coworker because they must be able to give unbiased feedback and put your professional goals first. At the very least,

“A business coach should be smart, experienced and willing to challenge you even when it’s hard. They should be honest with their feedback and have no agenda, or financial stake in your success.”

Beyond that, the best coach is one that fits your personality best. Find the one that will help you achieve your goals today at our ideamix platform.


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