How to Manage Feeling Like an Imposter in Your Own Business

How to Manage Feeling Like an Imposter in Your Own Business


Have you ever felt like a fraud? That sickly feeling of guilt — although unwarranted and false — occurs within all high-achievers. 


How do you know if you’re experiencing imposter syndrome?

If you have high expectations for yourself, never let yourself relish in your successes, or even if you’re a woman or a person of color, you may have experienced imposter syndrome at some point in your life. 


While various studies show that the phenomenon is more prevalent among women, some research shows that men with impostor feelings have more anxiety when they get negative feedback. Andrea Salazar-Nuñez, a licensed psychologist at the University of Washington in Seattle, says men often don’t realize that their increased anxieties may be caused by imposter syndrome. Salazar-Nunez notes that men are quick to internalize these feelings leaving them to believe that, “there must be something wrong with me.”


Even the greatest entrepreneurs have fallen victim to imposter syndrome. 


Maya Angelou has said, “I have written 11 books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’re going to find me out.’”


When does imposter syndrome most often occur?

It’s more likely that you will experience feelings of alienation or fraud when you’re just starting your journey. Feeling like a fraud will ignite vulnerability around other people’s critiques. Especially today, because our lives are on full-blast on social media, it’s easier to feel like everyone is watching for when you’ll slip up and reveal you’ve been playing them all along. However, it’s important to remember that these feelings are experienced by everyone. 


Imposter syndrome gets easier with time, according to Suzanne Imes. Imes is one of the graduate students who coined the term “imposter phenomenon” in 1978. She defined it as a sense among many high-achieving people “that they’re not as intelligent, as bright, as creative, as able as other people think they are. And they live in a constant fear that somebody is going to find that out,”. 


You might be feeling imposter syndrome a bit more intensely during this pandemic. A loss of intangible interactions can lead to more doubt to your professional identity.


Everyone feels like an imposter from time to time, but it’s key to not let it get in the way of you moving forward. How can you combat imposter syndrome? There’s no one cure-all to your imposter-syndrome-blues, but here are some tips and tricks to help you overcome any feelings of doubt in your professional identity.


Tips and Tricks to Help You Overcome Imposter Syndrome:

  1. Recognize what you’re feeling. When you feel yourself falling into the thought pattern of “I’m not who they think I am.”, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What am I really feeling right now? What is causing me to feel this way?”. Once you are able to recognize the feeling for what it is, imposter syndrome won’t feel unbeatable. 
  2. List your talents. It might sound cringe, but taking inventory of your talents – the ones you are able to recognize and others have recognized in you – allows you to come back to reality, and out of the dangerous headspace that comes with labeling yourself as an imposter. 
  3. Talk about your feelings of imposter-hood with others. Once you open a dialogue with co-workers or friends in your field about imposter syndrome, you will soon find out that everyone feels like a fake from time to time. Recognize that you are not alone!
  4. Introduce self care into the equation. Are you getting enough sleep? Still haven’t started that book on your nightstand? We have good days and we have bad days; any overwhelming feelings can usually be tied back to how well you’re taking care of yourself. Return to your body, and you will return to believing in yourself. 


Still feeling frustrated with feelings of imposter syndrome? Cynthia Zhai talks about how to find your authentic voice on our podcast. Having a clear vision of who you are boosts confidence and helps you to not feel like a fraud. 


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